インターナショナルコース– category –
大阪梅田校では、主要3科目の国語・数学・英語は習熟度ごとで行います。数学の授業では、時折、数学で探求授業を行っています。 今回の探求授業は、数学と経済学を掛け合わせた内容を実施しました。生徒たちも難しい内容ながらも身近に数学を感じられ、新... -
【大阪梅田】 International Course – New books for the library
Here in the International Course, we are quite lucky that we are always able to increase the amount of reading material for our students. For studying, we often use graded readers which are books designed to help our students improve the... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – Debate Club
This year our debate club has competed in multiple matches online and in person against various other schools. This was their final match in the Osaka prefecture finals, and they ended up #2 in Osaka. Unfortunately the team was not ... -
【大阪梅田】 International Course – UNICEF and Clark Collaboration Project
The International Course students in Umeda are extremely fortunate to be able to join hands with UNICEF in Osaka annually to collaborate on their Movie Project. This is where our students usually watch the recommended movie and do resear... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – Library
The International Course in Umeda has its own unique extensive reading library and is also one of the largest collections of novels and non-fiction books. The teachers at Clark always try to extend the number of books for our students. T... -
【Umeda International Course】 – Teaching at the Student’s Level
The term student-centred learning plays a huge role in the International Course here in Umeda. This is because the teacher recognizes the students' abilities and level of English. Even intermittent adjustments to the lesson so that the s... -
【International Course Umeda】 – Warm Up Activities
At the International Course, we have many different subjects to help the students learn English. Very often, to prepare for these classes, there is a warm-up activity where students get a chance to prepare their minds for the different ... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – Elective Classes
There are always at least 4 elective classes for students to choose from on Monday. These classes are designed to help students get the support they need for the subject that they may be falling behind with. Here you can see at least two... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – Communication Skills Advanced
The higher levels are usually involved in some form of research quite early in their curriculum. This teaches them valuable research, discussion, and writing skills that they will need when it comes to applying for universities. The teac... -
Umeda International Course – Brainstorming
You may have heard of the phrase, "Two heads are better than one." This is one of the reasons why brainstorming sessions are important to share ideas and opinions with each other. This works on both their teamwork as well as their interp... -
【大阪梅田】体育祭関連 団共通ダンスの練習に早速取り組みました!≪赤団🐉≫
大阪梅田校の2023年度の赤団において、今週2回目の団集会が行われました。今回の集会では各団で共通のダンスの練習を行いました。最初から生徒たちは興味津々で取り組み、練習を全通し行うことができました!ダンス含め、優勝を目指して団長・副団長が主体... -