インターナショナルコース– category –
Umeda International Course – Library
The International Course in Umeda has its own unique extensive reading library and is also one of the largest collections of novels and non-fiction books. The teachers at Clark always try to extend the number of books for our students. T... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – IPUNZ3
This New Zealand university-based class in the International Course in Umeda is a class that allows the students to learn university content despite being in high school. In this lesson before their online class with the New Zealand lect... -
【大阪梅田】International Course – Speaking Confidence
In the Umeda International Course, our teachers often work one-on-one with students to give them the practice that they need to build their confidence in speaking. This may even involve having the students write down their answers so tha... -
【大阪梅田】 International Course – Senior/Junior Relations
One of the unique aspects of Japanese Culture is the relationship between students of different grades. This relationship between the seniors and the juniors (or 先輩 and 後輩 in Japanese) is something that we in the International Course... -
【大阪梅田】祝!クラーク本校甲子園出場 大阪梅田校の生徒も応援しました!
連携校であるクラーク記念国際高等学校の本校野球部が、今年の夏の甲子園大会に見事出場することが決まりました!出場が決まった北海道での試合を丁度露天神のボランティアに参加していた生徒も応援しました!大阪梅田校も甲子園出場になれば応援に向かい... -
獅子舞や太鼓が梅田の街を練り歩くので途中休憩をします。休憩所で軽食の準備・飲料の配布・休憩後の片付けを2サイクル手伝いましたどっとくる参加者に圧倒されることなくそれぞれ役割をきちんと果たしました。大阪締めをしたり獅子舞には頭も噛んでもら... -
大阪梅田校では来る8月19日(土)の盆踊りのボランティアに向けて、練習を放課後行いました。今回は2回目の練習でしたが、皆さん踊りの先生による指導を受けながら熱心に練習を行っていました!本番、どのような踊りと盛り上がりになるのか、楽しみですね! -
【インターナショナル】International Course Umeda – Open Campus
The best way to see how the International Course classes run is to experience it during the Open Campus. It is at these events that junior high school students can see if the International Course is for them. The Native Teachers, the Jap... -
【インターナショナル】Umeda International Course – Communications Skills 2
Dialogue practice doesn't just come from Drama class. Having another way to understand the content of what the students are learning is really useful. In a drama lesson, the dialogue is fixed for the purpose of improving speaking fluency... -
Umeda International Course – Speech 2
In speech class, we often watch and learn from many speech models. The students here are answering comprehension questions about the speech that they have just watched. With a clear end goal in mind, the students will learn how to work t... -
Umeda International Course – Presentations
Presentations are a natural part of the International Course in Umeda. Students get a chance to learn in stages how to work towards having presentations. With practice, feedback, and confidence building, soon students will be able to con... -
Umeda International Course – Pronunciation
One of the advantages of having a large number of native English teachers is the ability for students to practice and check for correct pronunciation. This does not mean that Japanese teachers are not important. In fact, it is because we...