学習– category –
【インターナショナルコース】Do you want to play games?
The International Course students have the chance to play games in English, especially if they have completed all of their assignments. Here, they playing a dungeon game in English, and cooperate to solve problems in English, too. インタ... -
【インターナショナルコース】EIKEN Study Group
Our International Course students also have the chance to take the computer-based EIKEN test (S-CBT). This means that the students can take these tests outside the testing period. To prepare for their these in the middle of this month, t... -
【インターナショナルコース】Single-player Game in English
For this International Course student, being able to run a game in English must be extremely fulfilling. When his English is good enough for him to enjoy this game on his own without any assistance from the teacher, he is able to immerse... -
【インターナショナルコース】Final IPUNZ Class for 3rd Graders
IPUNZ class remains a great opportunity for our students to take classes online from an overseas tertiary institute. For our graduating students, today was their final class before end of year tests. Like every other year, IPUNZ's lectur... -
3年生の授業では卒業制作を行なっています。 栂野くんと増田くんは二人で共同開発を行なっています。 別々に作ったものを統合するだけでもひと手間です。他の機能とバッティングしたり微調整が必要になったり・・・話し合いを続けながら作品の完成を目指... -
【インターナショナルコース】Word Search Games
The last class of the month and the year meant games in English. Here the students were able to compete with one another in looking for English words that they knew. The game can be a little addictive and lots of fun for the students. 今... -
【インターナショナルコース】Reading in Quiet
Here the level 2 International Course students are reading quietly. The books that they are reading are chosen by them. As long as the students here continue their reading for a long time, they will be able to improve their memorization ... -
総合進学コースです。 この写真は1年生が受けている情報処理Ⅰの授業です。 内容は情報処理検定(Excel技能の検定)についてです。 わからないところは、みんなで協力をして取り組んでくれています。 総合進学コースでは、6つのスキルを高めながら、進学に有... -
【インターナショナルコース】Debating in English
3rd year Clark students participated in a simple debate over the issue of whether social media is beneficial to society. They worked well in teams and were able to give their arguments to everyone in English. Well done to the 英語 III s ... -
プログラミングコースの3年生は卒業制作を行います。卒業制作はチームで取り組むことが多くゲーム作りでは役割を分担しながら作業を行っています。 基本的なゲームシステムを作ることも重要ですがキャラクターや背景の画像を作ったり、音楽や効果音を作っ... -
【インターナショナルコース】We Support Our Students in Their Studies
By the time the International Course students begin to study different things like EIKEN, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS or even university preparation tests. They goals and therefore their study styles must change and adapt to the tests they are s... -
総合進学コース探求専攻では現在、連携校のクラーク記念国際高等学校30周年記念行事の一環としてスタートした宇宙探究QUESTに取り組んでいます。これまで、宇宙探究QUESTのミッションである「宇宙の可能性を広げる 社会に“SPARK”をもたらす 世界中がワク...