インターナショナルコース– category –
Not all university applications are in English. Some universities have entrance application requirements in Japanese. When this is the case, our Japanese teachers give our students all the support they need. すべての大学の入学願書が英語... -
There is an African proverb which goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” Friendships can prove to be a useful tool when it comes to studying. As the third years students are studying in their final ... -
Students giving each other interview practices before their admission tests can prove to be a useful session. This gives them the practice not only as an interviewee but also as an interviewer. Whether it is in Japanese or English, Any p... -
Interview Practice for University Entrance Exams 大学入試の面接練習
As we are about to begin the second semester of 2022, many of our 3rd year students are trying to prepare as much as they can for their university entrance examinations. Some of these include interview practices in both Japanese and Engl... -
【インターナショナルコース】Career Guidance by Clark Graduates~卒業生によるキャリアガイダンス!
Every year we invite students who have graduated from our International Course and have furthered their academic journey into universities. This year we were able to invite 3 graduates to talk to their juniors to explain how they studied... -
Business Marketing for Clark Students【クラーク生のためのビジネス・マーケティング】
As an advanced elective we offered this semester, our students were able to learn about how COVID-19 affected business in general. This led to many group discussions as well as research on the topic. The student's efforts paid off becaus... -
【インターナショナルコース】Excellence Award Perfect Score~優秀賞受賞!
Quite a few students in the third-year International Course received the excellence awards. Only a handful got perfect scores which earned them medals. We hope that all students will continue to work hard and earn the scores that t... -
Real life application of English【英語の実生活への応用】
Imagine playing a Japanese game but with English rules. This is exactly what the students were able to do after learning the rules in English. We hope to give the students more opportunities like this in the future. 日本のゲームを、英語... -
【インターナショナルコース】Learning Math using English~英語による数学学習
Most students can imagine how difficult it is to learn math. Now, imagine learning math using English! That's what our Advanced Overseas Course students are doing. To prepare for their S.A.T. tests and for their future, they are working ... -
With the 3rd years preparing for university or technical colleges, assisting them with their career plan becomes even more crucial. To give them the best chances of success, our teachers make sure to give the advice that are tailor... -
【インターナショナルコース】Speaking Test(スピーキングテスト)
How much can you speak in a minute and how well? The students have the ability to check their script before their tests, practice the correct pronunciation, and create cheat sheets to help prompt them during the test. 1分間にどれだ... -
6月25日(土)にオープンキャンパス(コース別授業体験)を実施します。 大阪梅田校に設置している5つのコースの中から選択し、体験授業を受けていただきます。在校生も一緒に参加しますので、実際の雰囲気を感じていただける機会となっております。お気...