インターナショナルコース– category –
【インターナショナルコース】Exploring Speaking Topics
Most people think an English test in the International Course is a knowledge test. In actuality, being able to understand a topic and speak on the subject fluently is the goal. It doesn't matter what level of English you have, you can co... -
【インターナショナルコース】Student Video Project
This is a project that one of our Clark Umeda students made as part of the English Central Video Competition. It combines their interests, their research, and their own technical skills to put the videos together. We wish her all the bes... -
【インターナショナルコース】Have You ever Seen Students Having Fun Learning English?
Here a group of International Course students are having fun challenging each other with EIKEN pre-1 vocabulary. Their exchange, their laughter, and the pure joy of just enjoying each other's company is what makes the end of the day real... -
【インターナショナルコース】Project-based learning
Our student had the chance to make a how to video and was able to make one on how to make delicious fried rice. This was an extension project to the unit that the students were studying. It is another way of reinforcing the language and ... -
【インターナショナルコース】UNICEF Movie Project
Our students here at Clark Umeda working with Gyoko High School were able to successfully assist with UNICEF's Movie Project on Culture Day. In addition to viewing the movie, "The Good Lie", our students were also able to present their r... -
【インターナショナルコース】「Change Maker Awards 2023」リサーチ・インタビュー
今年の学生は、男女共用トイレの認知度を高めることを目的に、「Change Maker Awards 2023」を目指しています。 東京大学が安全な空間と男女共用トイレを設置したことを知り、東京大学に取材しました。 インタビューでは、東京大学のダイバーシティ&イン... -
It's that time again when we have to get into groups in order to compete in the Sports Festival. With 6 different colored factions again this year we are eager to see that the students are able to put together and make of this event. As ... -
インターナショナルコースの生徒が中心となり、日本語を勉強中のカンボジアの小学生とZoomで国際交流をしました。 スリーヒントクイズでは、クイズのヒントを出し、日本人の高校生がそれに答えます。ジェスチャーも交え、とても上手に日本語を話していまし... -
It is not a common thing we do in Drama class. Sometimes, we allow the students to choose their own favourite scenes from their favourite shows, whether it be a cartoon, sitcom or even from a movie. The still practice the lines that they... -
Having had a hand in designing the posters for the UNICEF event on Culture Day, our students also play a part in making sure that many people can see these posters and flyers. Our students had to learn to speak to shop attendants politel... -
This week, the highest level コミュ英語 class got to write a story in groups. Based on this picture prompt and present it using relative clauses as much as possible. They all used a lot of imagination and creative group work. 今週、最上... -
Our debate team competed in the Seventh All High School Kansai English Debate Contest (HEnDA). All of our debate members tried their best and enjoyed the matches. Most of all they made new friends. Ryunosuke Tago and Yuuri Yoshihara were...