These International Course students are using Cuisenaire rods to learn English in Communication Skills class! Although Cuisenaire rods are actually tools for learning math, English teachers also use them to teach English pronunciation in fun and interesting ways. Each rod is a syllable – bigger rods are stressed syllables, and smaller ones reduced ones. For example, ‘banana’, can be made up of three rods (‘ba-na-na’), the second one bein bigger because the second syllable is stressed. The word ‘customer’ can be also be made up of three rods (‘cus-to-mer’), but in this case, the first one is bigger because the first syllable is stressed. Students listen to the native teacher’s pronunciation and then discuss the stress patterns of English words. By using Cuisenaire rods, students are able to express the differences in pronunciation between English words to their classmates.
インターナショナルコースの生徒たちは、コミュニケーション・スキルズの授業で、キズネール棒を使って英語を学んでいます!キズネール棒は 、本来は算数で使用される道具ですが、英語の発音を楽しく興味深く教えるために活用しています。大きな棒は強調音節、小さな棒は減音節です。例えば、’banana’は3つの棒「ba-na-na」で構成され、2番目の音節が強調されるため、2番目の棒が大きくなります。’Customer’(お客さん)も3つの棒「cus-to-mer」で構成されますが、この場合、最初の音節が強調されるため、最初の棒が大きくなります。