インターナショナルコース– category –
Umeda High After-School Support
The International Course prides itself on having after-school support for students from all courses who want or need help. While most tend to ask for help in EIKEN, it is also possible for students to ask for help in all areas of their s... -
Umeda International Course and Performance Course Collaboration Project
The International Course and the Performance Course are working together on a project that they will be able to present in the Summer. This is an opportunity for students to work with students who are not in their course. Here the Intern... -
Umeda International Course Debate Club
The International Course Debate Club is planning on building a new team this year in 2023. With new members in mind and the constant training that will be involved, we know that it will be beneficial for students to participate in the De... -
Umeda International Course Classes Begins Today
Many students have been excited about this day! The International Course classes have finally started. It is a good chance for many students to get to know their new classmates and their teachers. This is a great start to the year and we... -
【インターナショナルコース】Umeda International Course Orientation
Today, all the different grades of the International Course students participated in the International Course Orientation. All the students got together to talk to each other and share their experiences in the International Course. As we... -
Umeda International Course Third Year Students
The third-year students are looking forward to their senior year in the International Course! They are looking forward to participating in all the International Course events, clubs, and intercultural activities! Let's have a great year... -
Umeda International Course – International Cafe
The International Café will begin operating again on April 20th now that the COVID restrictions have been lifted. This is a service provided by the native teachers to the students of all the courses here in Umeda Campus. Many students wi... -
Umeda International Course Welcomes the New First Years
We are extremely happy to welcome the new first year students to the International Course. It is our hope that they will enjoy their high school life and graduate from high school successfully like those that have come before them. We ar... -
The International Course Library is Ready for 2023!
The International Course in Umeda always prides itself for having a large number of graded readers for students that are beginning to learn English. The large selection also includes magazines and comic books which are although aimed at ... -
大阪梅田校 2022年度大学合格速報!
大阪梅田校10期生が大学合格を続々と決めています。皆さん合格おめでとう! 日頃の努力の成果です!※2023年3月10日現在 一部抜粋 -
【インターナショナルコース】International Course Teachers are Honored to Have Been a Part of Our Students’ Lives.
The high school students in the International Courses are no different to any other high school students in that they only spend three years at most with us. During this time, we learn as much from them as they do from us. The footprints... -
【インターナショナルコース】International Course 3rd Year TOEIC Results
These are the results of the 3 years of hard work and effort by the 3rd year International Course students. The amazing progress that the students have shown cannot be understated. All of the students here have shown an improvement in th...